Head DOJCS Office
For more information about the Cree Nation Government Department of Justice and Correctional Services, please contact our head office at:
Department of Justice and Correctional Services
Justice Building
301 Queen Street, Mistissini, Quebec
G0W 1C0
Tel: (418) 923-2661
Fax: (418) 923-2560
Other DOJCS Offices
Location | Address | Phone/Fax |
Amos | 141 Route 111 Ouest, J9T 2Y1 | T: (819) 732-4970 F: (819) 732-4257 |
Montréal | 700 de la Gauchetiere Street West, Suite 1600, H3B 5M2 | T: (514) 861-5837 F: (514) 861-0760 |
Val d'Or | 1462 rue de la Québécoise, J9P 5H4 |
T: (833)-304-2600 |
Justice Buildings
Location | Address | Phone/Fax |
Chisasibi | 461 Wolverine Road, J0M 1E0 | T: (819) 855-2120 F: (819) 855-1888 |
Eastmain | 31 Mewaben Meskino J0M 1W0 | T: (819) 977-2400 F: (819) 977-2401 |
Mistissini | 301 Queen Street, G0W 1C0 | T: (418) 923-2661 F: (418) 923-2560 |
Nemaska | 46 Chistaastihaw Road, J0Y 3B0 | T: (819) 673-2400 F: (819) 673-2401 |
Oujé-Bougoumou | 19 Oujé-Bougoumou Meskino, G0W 3C0 | T: (418) 745-2260 F: (418) 745-2325 |
Waskaganish | 2 Kapatagan Meskanu, J0M 1R0 | T: (819) 895-2126 F: (819) 895-2184 |
Waswanipi | 2 Chief Louis Gull Street, J0Y 3C0 | T: (819) 753-2770 F: (819) 753-2771 |
Wemindji | 10 Tawich Road, J0M 1L0 | T: (819) 978-3300 F: (819) 978-3301 |
Whapmagoostui | 430 Whapmakw Meskino, J0M 1G0 | T: (819) 929-3796 F: (819) 929-3904 |